Mikdad meets Shamkhani and Qassemi…talks deal with bolstering bilateral relations

 Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad said that terrorism, aggression, unjust siege and unilateral coercive measures can’t dissuade the Syrian people from continuing their resistance and steadfastness in the face of arrogance and schemes of the enemies

Mikdad ‘s remarks came during a meeting with Iranian Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani in Tehran on Tuesday

Mikdad stressed that the ongoing Zionest entity’s aggressions on Syria give a real example of terrorism and constitute a provocative act

He added that the US and Turkish occupation of parts of the Syrian territories constitute a violation of the principle of sovereignty and an aggression against the unity of the country’s territories

He went on to say that America continues to seek to revive terrorist cells aimed at preventing establishment of stability in Syria

He pointed out to the large-scale economic opportunities available for cooperation between Syria and Iran, calling for increasing the presence of the Iranian public and private companies in the Syrian markets

For his part, Shamkhani condemned the continuous attacks of the Zionist entity on the Syrian lands, stressing that it is a continuation of the entity’s brutal attacks on Palestine and Lebanon

Shamkhani referred to the conditions prevailing in the region today ,as America seeks to revive Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization and continues to create crises in the region, considering that the American-Zionist project to target Syria has had serious repercussions on the security of the whole region

Shamkhani hailed the strategic relations between Iran and Syria in various political and security fields

He also voiced his country’s full readiness to cooperate in the economic field

Mikdad also met Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development Rostam Qassemi and the Chairman of the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Iranian side, Rostam Qassemi, discussing means to bloster relations and cooperation in the economic domain, and the upcoming visit of Qassemi to Syria

Mikdad stressed the need for activating and implementing the agreements and memoranda of understanding signed between the two countries, in addition to studying the signing of new agreements in order to face the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian and Iranian peoples

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