President al-Assad: Syria is keen on developing relations with China

 President Bashar al-Assad made a telephone call on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping , during which the two sides discussed the close bilateral relations between both friendly countries and means of expanding mutual cooperation

During the phone call, the two sides affirmed the great importance to develop bilateral relations as president al-Assad considered the relationship with China is pivotal and important in order to support the Syrian people’s struggle against internationally- backed terrorism and the blockade that largely affected different aspects of their life

President al-Assad stressed Syria’s keenness to develop ties between the government institutions in both countries , particularly with the improvement of security situation in most regions, and at the same time, accessing the Belt and Road Initiative, which constitutes a road for economy and development

President al-Assad expressed the Syrian people’s appreciation for China’s political support for them at international forums , and this affirms China’s commitment to international law and world peace and the efforts exerted to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria and stop the terrorist war waged on it

The president thanked the Chinese President for the large humanitarian assistance that China offered to the Syrian people to alleviate their suffering in light of terrorism and the blockade to which they are exposed

President Al-Assad reaffirmed that Syria is determined to liberate all its lands from terrorists and the occupied foreign armies , at the same time, Syria is determined to push the process of dialogue among political parties forwards without any external interference until reaching full stability

President al-Assad congratulated his Chinese counterpart on the 50th anniversary of China’s restoration to its legitimate seat at the United Nations, which represents a victory for the right of Chinese people and reflects the importance of the constructive role that China plays on international arena and its contribution to peace and development in the world

President al-Assad stressed Syria’s support to China in the face of western campaigns which attempt to strike stability in Asia southeastern region and China South Sea, as the world today needs peace and development, not tension and threats

The Chinese President, for his part, said that friendship between china and Syria is deeply –rooted and Syria was one of the first Arab countries that held diplomatic relations with China and one of the countries that proposed the draft resolution regarding China’s restoration of its legal seat at the United Nations

He added that throughout 65 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, bilateral relations have been able to withstand the tests of changes in international situations, and friendship between the two countries become more stronger with the passing of time , as both countries adhere to principle of non-interference in internal affairs, reject hegemony and policy of force and maintain common interests

The Chinese president underlined that his country is ready to exert efforts for enhancing the friendly cooperation between the two countries and fulfilling more common achievements, affirming that China firmly supports the Syrian efforts for reconstruction and development, and welcomes the Syrian participation in the Belt and Road Initiative

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