Remarkable growth of investments in industrial city of Sheikh Najjar in Aleppo

Types of work and production accelerate in the industrial city of Skeikh Nagar in Aleppo, as the number of productive facilities has amounted to 725, of which 50 ones have started production during 2021. Work is also underway to  prepare  200 facilities to enter the labor market in a way that  reflects the government’s support  to attract investments in the city

Director of the Industrial City ,Hazem Ajjan  told SANA reporter that the  accumulative investment volume since the establishment of city has approached SYP 300 billion, and the investment for this year reached about  SYP 35 pillion , hailing “the remarkable growth of the investment volume compared to 2016 which amounted to SYP two billion”

“Basic services, energy carriers and infrastructure were secured in the city and work is underway to provide support to the facilities that are being built and equipped in order to launch  production,” Ajjan added

He referred to a group of vital projects being implemented in the city, including the exhibition area, labor housing, craft regions and warehouses

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