President al-Assad participates in religious celebration of Prophet Mohammad’s birthday at Imam Shafi’i mosque in Damascus

President Bashar al-Assad on Monday participated in a religious celebration, held by Ministry of Endowments, on the occasion of Prophet Mohammad’s birthday at Imam Shafi’I mosque in Damascus

President al-Assad preformed al-Maghrib prayers, led by Sheikh Hussam al-Din Farfour

Minister of Endowments delivered a speech about the noble meanings of the occasion of prophet Mohammad’s birthday and the life course of this messenger that has become an example and model for the whole humanity

“We, in Syria, understand Islam as a religion of tolerance, mercy and noble values, not only a religion of rituals as some try to propagandize,” the Minister added

He saluted the souls of Syrian heroic martyrs and every soldier in the Syrian Arab army and leader of the Homeland, President Bashar al-Assad

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