Bellingcat…false façade that supports terrorist organizations in Syria

Scandals of western intelligence apparatus and their falsification with mass media to fabricate misleading press coverage on the terrorist war in Syria come successively

While vehemently insisting that it is independent of government influence, Bellingcat website, Since its launch in July 2014, has cemented itself as a darling of mainstream Western media, but it is funded by both the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy and the European Union

GRAYZONE website reported that CIA officials have declared their “love” for Bellingcat, and there are unambiguous signs that the outlet has partnered closely with London and Washington to further the pair’s imperial objectives

To explore the relationship between Bellingcat and centers of imperial power, look no further than its officially published financial accounts from 2019 to 2020. According to these records, Bellingcat has accepted enormous sums from Western intelligence contractors

These war-profiteering firms have in turn provided direct support to Al Qaeda-allied groups in Syria – the same elements that have provided Bellingcat with “evidence” to convict Damascus in absentia on all manner of dubious charges

Bellingcat’s cast of Western intelligence-connected funders is just the latest indication that its founder Eliot Higgins receives privileged, slanted information from extremist sources within Syria, and that his organization’s media operations have been conducted in concert with these elements

Higgins’ recent history of promoting ISIS’ top Twitter propagandist raises further serious questions about Bellingcat’s reliance on terrorist elements in Syria

In 2019 to 2020, Bellingcat received just over €5,000 from Washington-based contractor Chemonics. As The Grayzone has documented, this company conducts US government-funded intelligence and destabilization operations the world over

The website, which claims independence and impartiality from political quarrels, but is in fact a false facade to support terrorist organizations in Syria such as al-Qaeda terrorist organization

The report stated that the site receives huge funds from Washington and the EU to achieve their colonial goals, and there are official financial accounts asserting that the site received huge sums of money from contractors with Western intelligence, who in turn provide direct support to terrorist organizations in Syria

It referred that those intelligence contractors are the same ones who gave Bellingcat website fabricated evidence to accuse the Syrian Arab Army of carrying out alleged chemical attacks

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السيطرة على حريق نشب بأراضي قرية الروضة التابعة لمدينة بانياس وزير التجارة الداخلية وحماية المستهلك يتابع مراكز استلام الأقماح في حمص المقداد أمام الجمعية العامة: الإجراءات القسرية الغربية أداة للضغط والابتزاز السياسي وإرهاب اقتصادي وسيف مسلط على رقاب الشعوب ويجب رفعها رابطة البيان الثقافية تُشرِّع أبوابها في سورية انتهاء مسابقة الأبحاث العلمية الطلابية «SSRC» بمشاركات مميزة محلية وعربية جهوزية تامة لتوفير الخدمات الصحية خلال عطلة عيد الأضحى بيع مخصصات الخبز غداً الجمعة بدلاً من الأحد القادم.. مدير مخابز دمشق: مستمرون بالعمل خلال العيد وفق برنامج مناوبات على هامش مؤتمر الاستثمار في الطاقات المتجددة .. توقيع أربع اتفاقيات مع شركات استثمار  وطنية المياه تجرف سمكة عملاقة ونادرة في ولاية أوريغون الأمريكية تسويق 2700 طن من القمح إلى مراكز الاستلام في السويداء.. والفلاحون يطالبون برفع سقف السحوبات اليومية من المصرف الزراعي