Army units reinforce their posts in Tseel village and its environs, Daraa countryside

 Syrian Arab Army units have entered Tseel village and its environs in Daraa northwestern countryside, and they began reinforcing their military posts after completing the settlement of the status of militants, the wanted and military deserters, and handing over weapons to the Syrian Arab Army in accordance with the settlement agreement proposed by the Syrian state

Army units continued to secure the villages and towns in which the settlement operations took place, as they entered Tassel village in Daraa western countryside and began reinforcing their posts hours after completing the settlement of the status of dozens of the residents of the village and in the villages of al-Bakkar al-Gharbi, al-Bakkar al-Sharqi and al-Abdali, according to the terms of the agreement proposed by the state, according to SANA’s reporter

According to the agreement, the process of settling the status of dozens of militants, the wanted and military deserters, and handing over weapons to the Syrian Arab Army began today in the city of Nawa and the surrounding villages in Daraa northern countryside

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