Turkish occupation, its mercenaries launch shelling attack on Aleppo countryside

Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist organizations have renewed the attacks from the areas of their deployment within regions they occupy, targeting citizens’ houses in several villages in Aleppo northern countryside

Local sources told SANA that the Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist mercenaries targeted with several missiles Deir Jamal, Soghanka, Abyan, Aqiba, and Mar’anaz in Aleppo northern countryside, causing material damages to the houses and the locals’ properties

The sources noted that Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries launched five rocket shells from their deployment sites in Tukhar Saghir village towards Tukhar Kabir village in Manbej city northeast of Aleppo, causing material damages to the citizens’ houses and properties

On Wednesday, a civilian was martyred and three others were injured in an attack with heavy machineguns launched by the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist organizations on the M4 Highway, north of Raqqa City

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