The so-called “autonomous administration” is nothing but mere projects aimed at weakening Syria in facing conspiracies, Foreign Ministry says

Syria affirmed that the so-called “autonomous administration” is nothing but mere projects aimed at weakening it in facing conspiracies and providing free services to the US occupation as well as direct and indirect services to the Turkish aggressor

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement on Thursday that groups of the so- called “autonomous administration” in the northeastern region of Syria, supported by the US occupation troops and others colonial countries, are touring some Western countries to promote their separatist projects, which were rejected by all spectrums of the Syrian people

The Ministry said that at a time when these groups are begging for Western support for their rejected illusions and dreams, what they are doing basically indicates that they are putting themselves in the category of conspiring forces against Syria, as they do not have any support from the Syrian people

“As this also shows their isolation from the Syrian people, who have achieved decisive triumph over terrorist groups during the past ten years, “ the Ministry added

The Ministry concluded that Syria warns these groups against the consequences of conspiring against the homeland, participating in the aggression against it, and instigate the remaining colonial forces to undermine Syria’s sovereignty, freedom and independence of its people

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