Moscow: OPCW’s report forged facts about alleged Douma incident

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Thursday that Russia considers the inaccuracy in the report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) made the organization to forge the Technical Secretariat’s report about an alleged incident of using toxic chemical substances in Douma city

“The media outlets discussed with former experts in the fact-finding mission, about an alleged incident of using toxic chemical substances in Douma on April 7th, 2018, affiliated to(OPCW) that the breaches in the investigation were repeatedly raised to the UN Security Council and discussed them on the OPCW’s platform,” Zakharova said

Zakharova said that the former experts in the technical secretariat of the OPCW, Jan Henderson and Brende Wenden, uncovered the fraud in the technical secretariat’s report on Douma incident, despite the pressures exerted on them by European and Atlantic countries

She added that those two experts shed light on the crimes committed in preparing the report on the fabricated incident in the city of Douma

Zakharova affirmed that the document, issued by the technical secretariat of this international organization, falsified facts and manipulated the assessments of technical experts

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