Foreign Ministry: Syria condemns in strongest terms Israeli practices against al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian worshipers, calls for ending them

Syria has condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli practices against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian worshipers, calling on the states of the world and the UN to put an end to the Israeli heinous and inhuman practices and to empower the Palestinian people to obtain their historical legitimate rights

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said, in a statement on Wednesday, that the last months and weeks have witnessed an unprecedented aggressive escalation by the Zionist gangs of settlers against the Palestinian people throughout  occupied Palestine, particularly in occupied Jerusalem city

The Ministry added that these aggressions have been done under the support, protection, encouragement and leadership of the Israeli government, asserting that the latest was on Sunday when herds of extremists broke into, with huge numbers, al-Aqsa Mosque under full protection of the Israeli police, in addition to attacking the worshipers inside and outside the Mosque

The Syrian Arab Republic considers these Israeli practices against al-Aqsa Mosque and worshipers as an immoral work that reflects the true image of the Israeli entity, the Ministry went on saying

Syria condemns in strongest terms these Israeli practices, calls on the occupation authorities to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people in al-Quds and the Aqsa Mosque and in all occupied Palestine, the Ministry stressed

The Ministry called upon the states of the world and the UN, including the UN Security Council, to put an end to these heinous and inhuman practices and to enable the Palestinian people to obtain their historical and legitimate rights, mainly their right in establishing their independent state on their land and ending the occupation of all occupied Arab territories in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon

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