Foreign Ministry: Israeli terrorist attacks will not be able to protect its agents of terrorist organizations

Syria affirmed that Israeli terrorist attacks will not be able to protect its agents from terrorist organizations, including Jabhat al-Nusra, Daesh (ISIS) and the White Helmets terrorists, nor will they be able to prevent the Syrian Arab Army from fighting the terrorists and their sponsors

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that at 23.37pm on Monday evening, July 19, 2021, Israeli occupation authorities perpetrated an air aggression on the Syrian territory by launching missiles on al-Safira area in the southeast of Aleppo province

The statement added that the aggression coincided with missiles attacks launched by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on some areas in Aleppo and the north of Hama province from their terrorist dens in Idleb , which they control as a result of support and funding provided by the US and the Turkish occupation forces to al-Nusra and other armed terrorist organizations linked to Israel

The statment said that the Syrian Arab Republic warns Israel of the serious repercussions of its persistent aggressions under false pretexts , of its continuous support to armed terrorist organizations and of its continued occupation of Arab lands , including the Occupied Syrian Golan holding Israel responsible for the acts

The statement conclude by calling on the Security Council to fulfill its obligations within the framework of the UN Charter ,to preserve international peace and security, condemn the blatant Israeli aggressions , and take firm and immediate measures to prevent these repeated aggressions and hold Israel accountable for its terrorism and crimes against the Syrian people

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