QSD militia sends thousands of gunmen to Manbij city in an attempt to suppress popular demonstrations against it

US occupation backed -QSD militia on Friday brought thousands of its gunmen to Manbij city in Aleppo northern countryside to reinforce its forces positioned in the city, which has been witnessing large demonstrations and wide popular protests for a week in condemnation of QSD militia’s criminal practices demanding the expulsion of them from their areas

Local sources in Manbij city told SANA that about 5 thousands of so-called Internal Security Forces “Asayish” and forces of combating terrorism affiliated to QSD militia started on Friday dawn to enter the city, accompanied by over 40 armored vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles equipped machine guns in an attempts to suppress the ongoing popular demonstrations in the city against the militia and its criminal practices

The sources noted that the protests by locals of the city in condemnation of the militia and its crimes in the city and areas affiliated to it have increased since Thursday evening, which pushed the militia to send large reinforcements of its gunmen in an attempt to suppress these demonstrations

The Syrian Arab clans in the city of Aleppo and its countryside have affirmed in a statement their support for the locals in the city of Manbij in the northern countryside of Aleppo, who came out to denounce the QSD militia which is affiliated with the US occupation, demanding its expulsion from their areas and to defend Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of the plans of the US occupation and its separatist militias

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