Syrian-Iraqi talks to enhance cooperation in oil and energy sectors

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Bassam Touma, discussed with Iraqi Minister of Oil Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail, means of boosting  joint cooperation between Syria and Iraq in the fields  of oil, energy, training and the exchange of experiences

The two sides,  during a session of talks in  Baghdad,  stressed the deeply – rooted  and  historic relations between Syria and Iraq and the need for  promoting  and developing  them in  all domains

They also tackled   a set of ideas and visions that would develop oil cooperation, exchange experiences and develop brotherly relations in all fields for benefit of the  two brotherly peoples

In a statement to SANA correspondent in Baghdad, Minister Touma said  that the first session of talks witnessed a discussion about a  number of ideas, visions and projects that serve the progress  of the oil industry in the two countries,  indicating the strategic importance of Syria’s position  in the  field of oil trade

In turn, the Iraqi minister expressed, in a similar statement, Iraq’s keenness to strengthen its relations with neighboring countries and the Arab region in all fields, especially the oil, gas and energy sectors, in a way that serves common interests

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